The Copper Rose Page 5
Ushuk approached me as I revelled in my victory with a smile plastered across his face.
“That good. You need knife like Ushuk, but still good,” he said in praise of my accomplishment. I couldn’t help but agree with his statement though.
“You don’t happen to have a spare knife, do you?” I asked in hope.
“Ushuk knife only one. You get own.” He replied sharply.
‘I guess that’s that then.’
It took me a few minutes to realise that the beetles were appearing on schedule, and if I didn’t know any better I would have said it was the same beetle over and over. An interesting mechanic, but it seemed like it was something that could have been exploited, after all it was an infinite source of food and experience, wasn’t it?
We took turns in killing the beetles that appeared but on my third go, once I killed my beetle a new notification appeared below the combat stats.
You have killed Beetle
You have gained 2xp
Congratulations, you have reached Level 2
You now have 1 unspent attribute point
Note: If you do not spend this attribute point within 3 days it will be lost.
Ah yes, a new level I thought to myself in triumph. I’d been wondering how long it would take to leap that first hurdle and in truth, it hadn’t really been all that long. Really, I hadn’t yet been in any danger that couldn’t have been avoided.
I opened my character information sheet and attributed the new point into strength. It was a no-brainer, as almost every game I’d played in the past had used strength as a kind of physical indicator and a way to increase attack, defence and my maximum health. I was happy to see that indeed my health had raised to thirty. Interestingly, my analyse skill although still at level one had been progressing, with forty percent now in the brackets beside it. Everything seemed to be going well for me and if I had to thank anyone for that, it would be Ushuk, the little green goblin adolescent.
After my level increase, my attacks had started to do an extra point of damage to the beetles, which meant that they would now fall within five hits instead of eight which would certainly help to speed up proceedings, but with mild annoyance I realised that the beetles respawn rate didn’t increase, rather there seemed to be a minimum amount of time – a few minutes – before a second beetle would appear. This must’ve been how the game stopped higher level player simply farming the beetles as they instantly respawned.
“We go now.”Ushuk instructed as I took my place in the bushes for another round of beetle rodeo.
“Just one more,” I protested, not wanting to give up on the free experience that I’d been amassing. Really I’d have liked to have reached level three before I completed the quest for Grish. Levelling up in games always made me feel good.
“No. Too dangerous.” Ushuk stamped his foot incredulously as he spoke.
“Well I’m staying to kill another beetle, you’re welcome to leave if you prefer,” I announced, putting my own metaphorical foot down.
Ushuk looked a little torn, he clearly didn’t want to stay here, but something was compelling him to do so.
“Look, let’s just do one more, then we’ll go back, okay?” I attempted to ease him with a compromise.
“One.” He agreed with annoyance.
I took down the beetle with ease again as Ushuk watched with wide eyes from the bushes. Once I’d collected my beetle meat which now totalled six, he approached me from his hiding place.
“We go now.” He repeated his earlier statement, if with a little more urgency.
“Fine, we can go back now” I agreed, but as I spoke I noticed a very slight movement in the river water.
As soon as I saw the huge splash that came from the river, I instinctively dived at Ushuk, forcing him to the ground. Had I not have acted, he would’ve surely been killed by the long, mean looking crocodile, whose jaws snapped at the air right where Ushuk’s head had been.
I covered Ushuk’s body with my own as though he was a grenade and I was falling atop it to protect my comrades.
Crocodile hits you for 12 damage
I felt its front teeth bare down into my back as it tried to open its jaws wide enough to fit my whole body in its mouth. Again I was thankful that I’d managed to cover little Ushuk as he would have had no chance against this beast.
I cried out in pain as the crocodile took a second go at me in quick succession, I knew that with only thirty health, one more bite would have ended me. That would also have meant the end for my little companion too, who I doubted was the kind that would respawn as I would.
I forced Ushuk over my prone head with both of my hands before turning to my back with extraordinary effort. The crocodile was reeling to make its third attack, which would surely end my life, but I managed to curl my legs under its body and wedge my feet into its armpits. By extending my legs I was able to push its teeth away from me and expose its less armoured, softer underbody.
You hit Crocodile for 5 damage (Critical)
Ah, no armour. Finally some good news.
I wasn’t sure exactly how much health the crocodile had, not wanting to be distracted by the analyse window, but I could see that its health bar now had a sizeable chunk missing from it. I couldn’t waste my time getting distracted by every creature I encountered.
As I repeatedly punched the crocodile’s belly it began to writhe and thrash to try to free itself. I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold on to it forever as I could already feel my feet starting to slip. To save myself from losing my grip on the beast, I forced my feet under its arms and linked them behind its back. At the same time, I hugged it tightly to myself with my arms in a kind of bear hug. The crocodile couldn’t move any more but now neither could I – it was a stalemate but I had an ace in the hole. A friendly goblin adolescent with a little knife.
“Now Ushuk!” I shouted past the crocodile and as quick as a flash I watched Ushuk plunge his knife into the crocodile’s head.
Only when I let go of the crocodile’s body did it disappear into a small leather pouch that I’d started recognising as loot but to my dismay I didn’t receive the usual ‘you have killed’ and ‘you have gained’ messages – the kill must have been attributed to Ushuk, who was smiling absently. I checked his character sheet and saw that he’d increased to level two. Ding. Good for him.
You have found Crocodile Meat
Crocodile meat can be cooked on its own or used as an ingredient in other recipes.
You have found Crocodile Tooth
Crocodile teeth are decorative items that some races display as a show of their power and combat prowess.
Do you wish to add these items to your inventory? Yes/No
I thought about holding on to the crocodile meat for now, but I kind of felt that I really didn’t deserve it. I gestured to Ushuk.
“I have something for you,” I said, and he approached me cautiously.
A new notification appeared before me automatically, apparently Freedom Online was able to anticipate my next intended action.
You have 1 Crocodile Tooth in your inventory
You have 1 Crocodile Meat in your inventory
Do you wish to gift these items to Ushuk? Yes/No
I selected ‘yes’ and the notification faded away. Ushuk’s eyes widened in amazement and I saw that the crocodile tooth appeared around his neck on a length of string.
“Thank you thank you thank you” he cried as he bounced up and down, watching his new necklace bob with him.
“Don’t worry about it,” I smiled, happy that I’d made his day.
Ushuk led the way back to the Sawblades camp and I walked beside him. I couldn’t help but feel as though I’d made a friend today.
Chapter Four, Inclusion
watched Ushuk enter the outer camp limits, proudly puffing his chest out to display his new prized necklace. To me it looked a little juvenile, but as I watched it did seem as though he was getting a fair share of respect
for the crocodile’s tooth from the other members of his clan.
I followed the little goblin back to the all-too-familiar cooking pot in the centre of the campsite where Grish was stood (still?) awaiting my return.
He didn’t greet me, so I spoke first. “I…got your food,” I said tentatively.
As I spoke a new notification filled my vision.
A quest can now be completed
You must bring back food of any kind to Grish, the chieftain of the Sawblades clan that is equal to or in excess of your own weight.
Reward: Your freedom. Reputation with the Sawblades clan. Experience.
You currently have 6/5 applicable items in your inventory.
Do you wish to complete this quest? Yes/No
I clicked ‘yes’ and was happy to note that the next screen informed me that I’d gained ten experience points and ten reputation points with the Sawblades clan. I took the opportunity to check my own character sheet.
Name: Tandy
Level: 2 (65%)
Race: Human/Male
Attributes:HP: 30/30MP: 0/0
Skills: Analyse1 (40%)
Reputation:Sawblades Clan:-90 (disliked)
It kind of hurt me that the clan still disliked me, as I’d done nothing but helpful things for them, but I could understand that we were different races and probably shouldn’t have been getting on anyway.
“This very good!” Grish announced as he accepted my quest completion. “Even more food than you!”
“I’m all bone anyway, not much meat.” I answered jokingly as I gestured towards my ribs, a little relieved that I was finally off the menu.
“Bone good.” Grish muttered quietly, which I took as my signal to shut my mouth and stop pushing my luck.
What followed was an awkward silence as Grish and I stared at each other.
“What you wait for?” He asked with a questioning look on his face. I hadn’t really thought about what would come next yet.
“…can I stay here?” I asked slowly. I spoke without thinking but I really had nowhere else to go and nothing better to do.
Grish let out another deep belly laugh, it seemed that my question had amused him somewhat. “You stay with goblin? Bwahahaha”
“Don’t make him go!” Ushuk whined from my side in his high-pitched voice. “He save Ushuk! He give this!” he gestured towards the crocodile tooth as he protested, but it didn’t seem to have the desired effect as Grish simply shook his head.
“Not mix. Man and goblin.” He explained curtly to the adolescent and I knew where he was coming from, our cultures were just too different to merge.
“It’s OK, Ushuk,” I said as a placed a hand on the goblin adolescent’s shoulder. “It would never have worked anyway.”
“No. We friends. Don’t go.” Ushuk’s broken sentiment could’ve brought a tear to my eye.
“Little one. Human can live. He be OK” Grish attempted to placate Ushuk as well.
“NO!” Ushuk stamped his foot in protest. “If he go, I go with.”
“You want leave clan for human?” Grish asked, squinting one eye at the tiny goblin, who nodded in response. The humour had disappeared from his voice.
Grish raised his gaze to look at me as he spoke in a softer tone. “You…look after Ushuk?”
“What?” I asked, caught completely off guard by his question but Ushuk interrupted my surprise.
“Ushuk not need look after. Ushuk Help. Me know this place.” He did make a good point, even if I wasn’t ready to have to look after a goblin child yet. Grish looked at me in anticipation. This certainly wasn’t the direction that I thought this conversation would take, and leaving all thoughts aside I felt myself starting to get swept along with its fast pace.
“Pleeeeeeease?” Ushuk looked at me with those big eyes of his, how could I say no?
“Do you promise not to run off and get yourself in trouble?” I asked him as though I was addressing a child, but I let a smile cross my face to let him know that I was joking with him. But not really. I didn’t want him to run off into trouble, especially as I wasn’t much less squishy than he was.
“I promise,” Ushuk said as he nodded in agreement.
“Little one. This mean you not come back.” Grish said gravely. It seemed as though although he wasn’t going to eat me, he didn’t want to see me again either.
“I OK, I start new clan.” Ushuk said and kicked my shin lightly. Did he mean that we were going to have our own clan? It seemed like a bit of a bold statement to me really.
Grish nodded and turned his back on both of us without saying another word, apparently the gesture held meaning alone. This must have meant something symbolic to Ushuk, who said “Come. We go now,” and he pulled on my arm to lead me back into the woods.
“Where are we going?” I asked after Ushuk had been leading me for what seemed like an eternity. My feet had started to ache, I was both hungry and thirsty and I had absolutely no desire to get into any more crocodile wrestling matches. I just wanted to stop.
“Not long. Just here,” he said as he continued to bounce through the woods. As much as I didn’t enjoy walking endlessly towards an unknown location, I was pleased for his presence. It felt like he gave me a purpose to continue, rather than my initial plans of ‘let’s see what happens’.
Ushuk led me deeper and deeper into the woods until I could barely see for the density of the trees and low-lying vegetation and if I hadn’t had him as a guide, I would’ve never been able to find the huge flat clearing that presented itself to me. It was beautiful. A bright blue lake reflected the sunshine that hit its still surface, shimmering invitingly. All around it, the trees were a darker green as they’d benefitted from the additional water source for their roots, plants and flowers were taller than I’d seen before too, this place was truly an oasis.
“Ushuk, this is amazing!” I announced gleefully as he turned to see my reaction to the clearing.
“This Ushuk secret place. Ushuk come here alone so no-one know.” He announced proudly. “I show you now we clan?”
I wasn’t sure if he was asking if I agreed that we were a clan, or if I wanted to start a clan now. My internal questions were answered when a system notification faded into view.
Would you like to start a clan?
As you and all of your followers are not currently in an established clan, you are able to start your own. In doing so, your reputation with other clans may be affected.
Start a clan? Yes/No
So Ushuk was a follower now? Who knew. I didn’t see any reason to reject this notification, so I clicked yes without hesitation. Another window asked what I’d like to call my new clan, which warranted a little more thought than before. I’d never been very good at naming things. Once I’d thought of a suitable name which took a little longer than I’d care to admit, I entered it into the system message and it disappeared.
“Well Ushuk, we are now both proud members of the ‘Crocodile’s Teeth’ clan. How do you feel?” I named the clan so that Ushuk would feel more pride in his necklace and it seemed to work as he positively beamed back at me.
“Me have croc teeth!” he announced happily as he pointed to his necklace as though I’d never seen it before.
“I know, I know.” I said, “Because you’re a strong warrior of the Crocodile’s Teeth clan, right? I said enthusiastically.
He looked a little downtrodden by my words.
“…Me…no warrior. Me hunter.” He said quietly.
“Well that’s even more important!” I announced loudly. “Hunters are the most important members of any clan, everyone knows that!”
His eyes widened as he absorbed the information. “Really?” he asked.
“Of course, how else would we get any food?” I countered. That made him smile wickedly. “Speaking of which, can I get any food around here?”
“There fish in
lake.” He pointed to the still blue waters. “I find.” And with that he bounded away and dove headfirst into the still lake. I watched him for a few minutes, surfacing and diving again, apparently chasing some fish that were perhaps a little too fast for him.
Once I was content that he would be safe without my watchful presence, I decided that it would be a good idea to set up camp so that if the impossible did happen, and Ushuk actually caught a fish then I’d be ready to cook it. I didn’t care if this was a virtual world, I had no desire to eat raw fish unless it was served in a bay leaf with a side of rice.
I repeated the actions that’d led me to build my last campsite and with the knowledge fresh in my mind and able to fall right back into my groove, I had a tent, bench and roaring fire all ready in about an hour.
“Hey Ushuk!” I called to the little goblin who was diving in and out of the water, still chasing the all elusive fish. “Camp’s ready.”
He turned to look at me in wonder and as he did, he stopped thrashing which in turn meant that the fish wasn’t expecting his attack. He slowly raised a single finger to his lips to shush me before he snatched his hand down into the water. To my amazement, when he retrieved it he was holding a flapping fish as big as his head.
“Great work!” I called, a little shocked I must admit. “Let’s get it on the fire right away!” I said happily. “And don’t drop it!” I added which was answered with a scowl.
“You cook?” Ushuk asked suspiciously.
“Well, it’s just cooking a fish isn’t it, it can’t be that hard,” I answered.